+ What's new?
2021 Many updates 2013 fixed some Windows issues The full change log is in the Userguide 2011 Updated to work with OS X Lion and wxpython cocoa code + libxslt and libxml2 notes
+ libxslt
./configure --with-python=/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/ --prefix=/usr/local --with-libxml-prefix=/usr/local --with-libxml-include-prefix=/usr/local/include --with-libxml-libs-prefix=/usr/local/lib
+ libxml2
./configure --with-python=/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/
Use the python setup.py install to put the wrappers in the /Library/Python/2.7 area
+ What is it?
+ A Cross Platform Outline System for Encyclopedic Notes
What if you wanted to carry all your notes, textbooks, pictures and references with you at all times? And edit them anywhere and link them together so that there was no redundancy? And include pictures, video, or any file or your computer? And you could publish your notes as a web site with the same functionality? If you've asked yourself these questions, Buzz may be for you. I use Buzz to carry all of my orthopedic textbooks, notes, images and references. Buzz runs on Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, iPaq and Palm OS via Plucker
+ An XML Editor/Creator
Buzz is a non validating XML editor. In addition it can create a schema for a set of XML files that can be used to generate new documents using the XML from that set, sometimes called "Schema by Example"
+ A Translator
+ ScreenShots
+ OS X + Linux + Windows + iPaq - Familiar + iPaq - Qtopia + Palm OS 5 - Plucker
+ Download + Install
+ 1 - Install python + 2 - Install Modules
pip install lxml pip install wxpython pip install defusedxml
+ 3 - Decompress Archive and start program buzz.py
+ Linux or OS X
unzip buzz.zip + Linux + OS X
copy the contents of the smallbmp subdirectory into the buzz directory pythonw buzz.py or click on buzz.py
+ Windows
unzip buzz.zip Double click on buzz.py
+ User Guide
+ Quickstart UserGuide
The keys to editting OPML or XML in buzz are the keys that insert, move, and edit elements + Inserting:
The Right Mouse button: opens a menu F5: inserts a new element at the level above o,F6: inserts a new element at the current level c,F7: inserts a new element at the level below Ctrl:P: inserts data from other programs that you copy into the tree F10: Opens a free text editting window
+ Moving:
Home: moves the current item up the list of elements in the tree End: moves the current item down Tab: indents the item Shift-Tab or backspace: outdents the item Ctrl-C: Copies an element or tree into a list of previously copied or cut elements Ctrl-X: Removes an element or tree in the the list of previous copies Ctrl-V: Inserts + Insert: Inserts the most recent element from the list of previous copies and makes
the next oldest item the most current
+ Editting:
return,e,a,i: edits current element To undo an edit of an element while editting, hit the escape key
+ Encyclopedic Notes
+ Linking
+ Object Linking: Link to an external object via the Hosts MIME system
Ctrl-O: Asks for reference Uses: MS Word, StarOffice, Images, Sounds,Movies
+ X Linking: Link to a specific target in an OPML or XML file
Shift B: Generate a Unique Id (BuzzID) to Target + Shift X: Generate an X Path to you current location
If your current location has a BuzzID it will be used. Otherwise an offset XPATH is generated
Shift V: Paste an X Link Shift G: Goto X Link Location
+ Pubmed Link
Shift P: Insert PMID. Link directly to PubMed XML
+ URL Link
Ctrl-U: Link to an arbitrary URL
+ Navigating
Space or Double Click: Activate a link
+ Searching
Ctrl-F: Search in this File F3: Search below current Item XSearch: Starting from the Home File search for string Spotlight: Spotlight / Beagle search
+ Rendering
Render Directory: Renders all OPML files as HTML with X Links preserved
+ Toolbar
+ The toolbar includes a set of icons for the following actions:
+ navigation
+ Back in history ring + Forward in history + History + Home File + Recent Files
+ creating, saving, opening
+ Open File + New File + New File From Schema + Save File
+ printing, previewing, rendering + searching, editting, pasting, copying, deleting
+ Search from top of file + repeat + Paste External Clipboard + Enter Free Form Text + Insert Image + Copy Node + Paste Node + Delete Node + Xsearch from Home file Spotlight Search
+ XML features
+ Add Attribute + Add CData + Insert Xlink from Favorites
+ Expanding and collapsing the tree
+ Join Nodes + Toggle x layers deep + Sort children
Extended Userguide