Last Modified - Wed, 20 Mar 2002 13:16:44

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# Buzz
# 05/04/01 by Charles Nofsinger
# This code is governed by the Gnu Public License
# and is provided without any warranty of any kind
# by using this code you accept full responsibility for any damage
# of any kind
import string,sys,os,re
from time import localtime,strftime
from wxPython.wx import *
from xml.sax import make_parser,handler
+ class ErrorHandler:
+ class GetElements(handler.ContentHandler):
+ class ElementWrapper:
+ class XMLTreeCtrl(wxTreeCtrl):
+ class SchemaCtrl:
+ class wxXML(wxFrame):
+ class FreeText(wxFrame):
+ class mySingleChoice(wxFrame):
+ class buzz(wxApp):
app = buzz(0)